Friday, March 30, 2012
What's in a name?
What was the one thing you were the most stressed out about during your first pregnancy? Gaining weight? Not sleeping? Money? Those thoughts have crossed my mind a time or 20 but sadly, I'm more concerned with one tiny (huge) detail of my daughter's life- her name.
We haven't 100% decided on a name yet and I think it's starting to drive some of our family and friends crazy. She will be here in the next 27 days- how can we NOT have a name?
This is serious business people- we can't just go off naming her the first thing that pops into our heads (Apple anyone? Ivy Blue perhaps- or is it Blue Ivy- does ANYONE know?)
Halfway through our pregnancy I read an article that a tenth of parents regret what they named their kid, some parents are even changing their names when they go to school because their original (no pun intended) name was "too popular".
What if that parent is me? What if I wake up in five years and she comes running in for breakfast and I see her and just think "wow- you are so not a (insert whatever name here)".
There are so many factors to look at: names I've loved since I was a child, names my husband loves, family opinions, easy to make fun of names, names around us.
Let's start with names I've loved since I was a child- Alexis. How beautiful is that name? It's origin means Defender. Perfect. Except for that minor detail of our last name. Karr. I'll let you put those together... Boo
Names Geoff loves: well, not a ton here because he really only had boy names picked out...He and his friends ARE however, very good at finding even the most normal name and making fun of it somehow- yea...
Family opinions- if my mother doesn't stop calling her Lola I may scream. I honestly wouldn't put it past her to snag the birth certificate and sign it. Lola, by the way, was a top 10 PET name in 2011.
I've always loved Payton, yes I got it from a certain quarterback WAY back when he played for Tennessee (and yes, I know that's not how he spells it). I thought for sure at least one of my kids would have that name. Welp- two years ago we bought a house- let's just say our beautiful blonde haired little neighbor has a pretty awesome name.
Then there's that little thing called your past- so many names I'd never want to say numerous times in one day- it doesn't help my dad is a teacher so he's got a few names on that "no no" list.
Then there's the middle name. We pretty much have that covered- August, after Geoff's dad, Gary August Karr. But what goes well with August? It's pretty important to us that we keep this.
So besides all that somehow we've narrowed it down to a few names we like:
*I am well aware that a few of those choices are past presidents, I also had Madison on my list when I was younger- what can I say- I love history
*This also doesn't mean it's one of these for sure- I hear once you actually see your baby some or all of your names fly out the window
I promise you we aren't calling her something in the privacy of our own home and keeping it from you. I try different names each day and see if she likes any (for your information she does kick a little harder for some than others).
I know I'm probably overreacting a bit but I can't help it. I want my little girl to love her name, to own it. I want it to be strong and beautiful like I know she will be. She deserves at least that. Plus- I don't want to give her a reason to hate me someday, I'm sure I'll do that some other way more than once.
So I ask you- how hard, long did you search for a name? Do you ever regret it? Would you even tell me if you did???
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Dear Pinterest- where were you when I WASN'T pregnant?
I'll say it- I'm in love with Pinterest. It makes me want to clean my house from top to bottom while wearing the latest fashion then make a fabulous meal for my husband and end the night with a "do all 30 minute workout". I just have one tiny problem-
I'm 8 months pregnant! By the time I get home from work I'm lucky to find a pair of (notice I didn't say CLEAN) oversized shorts of Geoff's and fall (literally) onto the couch, hoping I don't smash my dog in the process. Our meals these days include mac-n-cheese, bowls of cereal and an occasional pizza from the box (don't tell my Grandma). Sure, I can "pin" amazing recipes with the best of them and have every intention of trying them out once I can stand for more than 5 minutes at a time but right now- they are just there taunting me with their "easy" directions and "only 7 ingredients".
Don't get me started on the clothes and shoes- shoes, shoes, shoes- sorry, I REALLY miss my shoes. Why couldn't these personal shoppers be around when I really needed them, you know, 5 years ago when I actually left the house looking cute, let alone acceptable (I use acceptable VERY loosely at the moment)? And all those amazing shoes! Just teasing me- I've bought 3 brand new pair of amazing heels since I've been pregnant and it wasn't until 3 WEEKS ago people started telling me my feet *may* get bigger and I'll need all new shoes. Say what?!? Clearly they don't know my addiction. I could be in some trouble.
Then there's all the hairstyles- for long hair. Yeah I had long hair at one time, took me 3 1/2 years to grow it out and what did I do one slow October day? Fall into one of those foggy pregnancy moods and chop off 8 inches. I liked it for about 48 hours... now all I see are "amazingly simple" and "beautiful and quick" styles for women with hair 8 inches longer than mine now...awesome.
Need I even mention the vast amount of shall we call them- Mommy drinks? I was SO not a big drinker before I was pregnant but all the "fruit slushes" and "colorful jello shots" make me feel like a kid on Christmas Eve, I'm just counting down the days.
So I ask you- Pinterest, where the heck were you when I wasn't pregnant? You sit there with brand new pretty pictures, fast and easy workouts, Hollywood style makeup tips and so much more practically laughing at me saying "sorry sweetie, you can look all you want but forget even trying to put coral and denim together right now".
Well the joke is on you and your creative little self because in 4 weeks from now I'm doing it all- I'll make that 4 cheese chicken roll up I've been eyeing. I'll work those black and gold heels I got for Christmas, I'll even rock that 4th of July wreath I pinned back in November. Did I say 4 weeks? Guess maybe I should aim for 4 months...
Monday, March 26, 2012
Diapers and bottles and bibs- oh my!
Last weekend was the big Wizard of Oz baby shower. The one my sister and aunts, cousins and friends have been working on for months and I was floored. They did an amazing job!
How cute are these invites? (I blanked out some of the information so that's why there are some smudges) Thanks to Meg and Blair for being so creative! It only got more amazing from there.
Check out this awesome candy bar made by Geoff's cousins:
The entire thing was fantastic and of course I had to take some home to munch on after the party was over.
My aunts are so creative- they really outdid themselves this time.
Here's some more pictures of the decorations-
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Emerald City diaper cake |
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All the goodies- rainbow cupcakes, yellow brick road cupcakes and more |
The punch was awesome |
Cute display for gifts |
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My sister Blair, our brother Blake is hiding behind the cutout |
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More of the goodies |
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Each of the table decorations had quotes from the movie |
Even Toto made an appearance!
My cousin needs her own cupcake show- she spent 4 HOURS making these rainbow cupcakes one at a time!
They were phenomenal- so were the ruby red slipper cookies!
For games my sister modified two "go to" games- she painted clothes pins sparkly red and any time someone said "baby" they had to pass their pin. She also filled a basket (complete with blue gingham) full of baby items. Guests had to reach in and try to guess all the items. It really was cute.
Little Miss is spoiled already- she got a lot of great gifts and Geoff got there just in time to see most of them. He's really excited there will be another shopper in the family. ;O
"Aunt" Kelly got us this awesome bib-
My Grandma Dot made Little Miss this adorable bunny in her nursery colors:
I love it, it's a family tradition, we got bears when we were little.
Even before I was ever pregnant I said I didn't want my daughter prancing around in cheerleader outfits (don't hate me but I think they are a bit over used). I know that's weird right? I cheered for years and I am a HUGE Mizzou fan but I just want her to be different so I've said I'm going to make tutus her thing- a fashion statement I'm sure Geoff just loves. Aunt Blair got us started on the right foot with this little pink awesomeness:
I can't wait to put it on her.
Thanks again SO much to everyone who helped with the shower and all my friends and family who came and showered Little Miss with the amazing gifts. I'm sure once I get them out of the living room Geoff will thank you too. ;)
The entire day was a blast but boy am I starting to really FEEL pregnant- my feet, ankles and legs are really starting to swell-
and that's saying something for me because I've always had tree stump legs...
It's funny, at first I used to get annoyed whenever anyone said "Oh my, are you sure it's not two in there?" I'd want to say- "I'm pretty sure, I am the one going to the doctor you know." Did I really look that big back then? But now that I look in the mirror and feel like a beached whale I'm getting the "Oh you are just ALL baby" and I want to scream "Really? My nose and face look this bloated ALL the time???"
Ha- the "crabbiness" has set in that's for sure. But I know it's that passage of
mommy-hood. I know everyone is just trying to make me feel better and I really do appreciate all the support and love, even the teasing here and there.
THAT being said- I've never been more excited to get my butt to a gym- ask me if I feel that way once she's here...
It's officially one MONTH untill her due date- ahhhh!!!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Quick Tiny update
I'm at 35 weeks and we are still going strong.
You are a squirmer and a mover but that is ok by me. The doctor says you should be a "healthy 8lb" baby by the time you get here. Again, ok by me- we just want you strong and healthy.
My students go on Spring Break this week- they think you will come when they are gone, I tell them NO!
Please don't Little Miss, our doctor will be out of the state for the next week. Do me a favor and wait until at least April 2nd. The April birthstone is a diamond- trust me- you want that birthstone.
Mommy and Daddy went to child birth class a couple of weeks ago and we rocked it if I do say so myself. Your dad and I are pretty competitive so we made sure we were doing everything right. :) Now Daddy is as excited as I am. He calls me everyday and says "I'm getting impatient, I just want her here now." It's pretty sweet.
We had your baby shower last week and it was FANTASTIC! I can't wait to post all the amazing pictures from it.
Love you so much baby girl, see ya soon!
You are a squirmer and a mover but that is ok by me. The doctor says you should be a "healthy 8lb" baby by the time you get here. Again, ok by me- we just want you strong and healthy.
My students go on Spring Break this week- they think you will come when they are gone, I tell them NO!
Please don't Little Miss, our doctor will be out of the state for the next week. Do me a favor and wait until at least April 2nd. The April birthstone is a diamond- trust me- you want that birthstone.
Mommy and Daddy went to child birth class a couple of weeks ago and we rocked it if I do say so myself. Your dad and I are pretty competitive so we made sure we were doing everything right. :) Now Daddy is as excited as I am. He calls me everyday and says "I'm getting impatient, I just want her here now." It's pretty sweet.
We had your baby shower last week and it was FANTASTIC! I can't wait to post all the amazing pictures from it.
Love you so much baby girl, see ya soon!
Grandpa Gary
Once again it's been months since I've updated this but that's because I knew the next post was going to be the hardest one I would write. I've been thinking about this post, deciding how to tell you, what to say and which pictures to share. But seeing as you will be here in the next four weeks (EEK) I knew it was time.
I want to introduce you to your Grandpa Gary:
The second time I spent some time with him was at a family member's wedding reception and he was out there holding his own to a Nelly song (you will learn to appreciate Nelly someday when you are much much older). He could make anyone smile while he danced.
Grandpa Gary above all else was a family man.
Your dad, aunt and uncle threw a surprise 25th wedding anniversary party for your Grandma and Grandpa Karr a few years ago and the shocked look on his face when he walked in was priceless. It took him a good 10 minutes to realize it was all for them.
Now, as much of a jokester and coach as he was, Grandpa Gary had a very soft spot for his kids and family. Weddings, babies and graduations really got to him. He wasn't afraid to let his emotions show, a characteristic I always secretly admired about him.
This is the part that makes me sad. Because I see this picture of him and Adalyn and I'm just so sad I won't get to see him holding you.
He got to watch his middle son marry his high school sweetheart:
And he knew you were on the way.
Even though Grandpa Gary isn't here with us anymore doesn't mean he isn't going to be a part of your life. We will make sure you know all about him and learn (some of) his jokes.
I'm sorry he won't be here to teach you things and to physically cheer you on but you do have an amazing grandpa and two wonderful grandmas waiting for you. You will learn more about them in a later post.
You have so many people waiting for you here to love you so we will see you in a few weeks Little Miss!
I want to introduce you to your Grandpa Gary:
Grandpa Gary was your dad's dad and boy was he a pistol. He had a list of jokes that he could live off of for years! In fact the very first thing he said to me was "Well you aren't the blonde Geoff was with last week!" (Your father once loved blondes, but he saw the light...) I didn't know how to take that but when the rest of the family groaned I learned very quickly what a jokester he was.
His very favorite joke hands down had to be: "Do you know what I heard? Sheep." I will let your father explain that one to you.
Grandpa Gary had a passion for sports, in fact, I'm not sure passion is even a good enough word for it. He lived to watch his kids play, coach, ref.
Your dad and I hadn't been dating long when I took this picture. Uncle Lucas was a senior in high school and got to play a baseball game at Kauffman Stadium, home of the KC Royals. Grandpa G was so proud watching his son on a big league field.
Grandpa Gary was an awesome coach, according to his many former players I met. He coached the Mean Green Team, a football team for decades. In fact, even after he no longer coached he kept all the equipment in the basement, tons of play books and pads and helmets. He was so proud of all his kid's accomplishments.
Your Aunt Jenna's softball team won the state softball championship her junior year and it's hard to tell from this picture who is more excited- her or Grandpa Gary. :) He'd be at all her softball games, he'd go watch Lucas coach his many sports teams, he'd even spend all day out at your dad's softball tournaments, sometimes staying longer than me! He truly was a sports fan, Mizzou, Cardinals, you name it.
Another thing Gary loved to do was dance- clear the floor at weddings- he was the headline!
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Grandpa Gary above all else was a family man.
Your dad, aunt and uncle threw a surprise 25th wedding anniversary party for your Grandma and Grandpa Karr a few years ago and the shocked look on his face when he walked in was priceless. It took him a good 10 minutes to realize it was all for them.
Now, as much of a jokester and coach as he was, Grandpa Gary had a very soft spot for his kids and family. Weddings, babies and graduations really got to him. He wasn't afraid to let his emotions show, a characteristic I always secretly admired about him.
At our wedding he was crying, he couldn't make it through Lucas and Tori's either.
He loved his kids so much. I've heard from many people how much he would talk about his three kids. Even when I first started my job at KOMU he was so proud of me- he would introduce me to people then go on and on about how I got that job before I'd even graduated.
Grandpa Gary got two daughter-in-laws in the last couple of years and your Aunt Tori and myself were thrown right into the mix of the Karr family. We were teased just as much as the other "kids"- he always got me whenever I'd say "We'll come up and see you soon" "Come up? Come up? Lauren, Jeff City is DOWN from Columbia". Ha.
Grandpa Gary was also very fond of all the little ones around- he loved his great nieces and nephews. He'd take them to feed the cows, or play in the yard or just tease them till they'd run away.
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Holding baby Adalyn |
Last summer Grandpa Gary got sick. For awhile they couldn't figure out what was wrong. Once we finally knew what was making him so sick it was too late to fix. Your Grandpa Gary passed away on August 31, 2011. Mommy and Daddy were very sad along with the rest of the family but sometimes God works in mysterious ways. We spent a a good week in Jefferson City with your Dad's family, looking through pictures, telling stories and eating, lots and lots of eating. It really made the family closer, I personally left feeling much more part of the family than I ever had.
The day we said goodbye could not have been more beautiful.
We all got to send notes to Grandpa Gary on these pretty balloons- my note to him was of course- about you. Remember me saying God works in mysterious ways? He does. You see, even though he is gone now- Grandpa Gary left knowing you were coming.
Your Dad and I found out about you in late August. We were going to wait to tell the whole family a little later but something told me we should just tell him. After Geoff told him you were coming Grandpa Gary cried. The last words he ever said to me were "I'm happy for you two". I've never told anyone that before. Makes me tear up thinking about it. He passed away two days later.
The other day your Dad was telling me he was a little sad that we wouldn't have a picture of you and Grandpa Gary and then I remembered something.
We took this picture right before I left for NYC. So even though NONE of us knew it yet- you were there with us! You are a part of this picture. It will be in your nursery.
So that's the story of your Grandpa Gary, he is still missed every single day. Each holiday and birthday, each beautiful day, each day we are at a baseball game, or when the Cardinals won the World Series, and the Mizzou Tigers beat the kU jayhawks (all teams we will talk about later)- he was missed.
People talk about how sad it is that he died so early, how much he is going to miss out on. Yes it is sad but I prefer to look at all the great things he witnessed in the last three months of his life.
He got to watch his baby girl graduate high school:
He got to watch his middle son marry his high school sweetheart:
And he knew you were on the way.
Even though Grandpa Gary isn't here with us anymore doesn't mean he isn't going to be a part of your life. We will make sure you know all about him and learn (some of) his jokes.
I'm sorry he won't be here to teach you things and to physically cheer you on but you do have an amazing grandpa and two wonderful grandmas waiting for you. You will learn more about them in a later post.
You have so many people waiting for you here to love you so we will see you in a few weeks Little Miss!
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