Friday, December 21, 2012
No snow photos for us
Miss K was fast asleep when Daddy brought her home last night. It was too dark to take her out once she woke up. Guess we'll have to wait for the next snow!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Snow, snow, snow
It's Snowing here in our hometown! I can't wait to get home and hope there is still some on the ground for Miss K to see for the first time. Pictures to come!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Family photos are fun
After 7 months we finally took an afternoon to get some family pictures taken.
Of course we went to Evee Images and they didn't disappoint. We only had one tiny spill that kept Miss K pretty sad for the last set of pictures but she still did great!
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Such a big girl |
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Right before a little spill |
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Not a happy camper |
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My little lady |
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Daddy's girl |
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Santa Baby |
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The Karr family |
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Little lady |
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Happy again |
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Sweet baby |
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LOVE this little girl |
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Our first family picture |
Nana Vicki is fine!
After a rough weekend of being sore in the hospital Nana Vicki is home and resting.
They got everything out and the doctors said she was a perfect patient.
She is still VERY sore but is moving and able to chat. Thanks for all your positive thoughts, we are very blessed to have this part behind us and are looking forward to spending Christmas as a family at home!
They got everything out and the doctors said she was a perfect patient.
She is still VERY sore but is moving and able to chat. Thanks for all your positive thoughts, we are very blessed to have this part behind us and are looking forward to spending Christmas as a family at home!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Cancer can have second base- Nana Vicki will win the whole damn ballgame!
Nana Vicki has cancer. Let's just put it out there. There's no tiptoeing around the subject, there's no maybe about it. It's there, it's small, it's real, it's going to be gone tomorrow.
That's right. Nana Vicki doesn't mess around. She's not one to hold a pity party, she's not one to put it off- she's pissed and ready to kick it out. This is one resident of Casa Vicki that's getting evicted and evicted quick. No two weeks notice, no shape up or ship out- just plain old get the F out now. Seriously, it's been a week and a half since we met with the doctor to decide her options.
The month of November was interesting to say the least, lots of appointments, extra mammograms, an ultrasound or two, a biopsy and the final news- the big old C word. December is shaping up to be just as interesting. When I went with Mom to the doctor we thought they'd give her a month or two to prepare. We were both stunned when the doctor said "my calendar is open, let's get this done in a week." So tomorrow Nana Vicki will undergo a double mastectomy. I should say the cancer is small and caught VERY early and after tomorrow she will be FINE. She won't require any radiation or chemotherapy. I'm 100% on board with her decision to do it all at once and never have to worry about it again. Plus- here in a few months she'll have a better ahem- set- than most 20 somethings. In all seriousness, we are very lucky and so happy this was the diagnosis.
So here we are- a week and a half later. Ready to go. Is she nervous? I'm sure. I know I am! This is my Mom. The woman I've looked up to my whole life. The woman I've hated at times (for stupid, adolescent reasons of course), the woman I've been embarrassed of (for actual REAL reasons- showing up to my 8th grade Halloween party in a hospital gown with a fake butt), the woman I've admired for not going to college but having more brains and knowledge of things like your basic English language than most graduate students and the woman I owe my family to (she was the one who took me to lunch the day I met Geoff). She's Mom. She's been here for me in the good times and bad. She's taught me what it means to be a strong, independent, sometimes bitchy woman. I'd be lost without her sarcasm and freak mind of knowing EVERYONE'S phone number and address. But now she is more important to me than ever. Because now she's not just Mom- she's Nana Vicki. Now she has one more person depending on her.
She has loved Kennedy longer than I have I think- long before we even knew Kennedy was coming. I remember the time we went to Disney World in 2010 when she was crocheting a baby blanket on the plane and a woman asked her who it was for. Without blinking she said- "my grandchild". For those of you that can't do math- Kennedy was born in April of 2012. Once I was actually pregnant I couldn't wait to tell her the news. Geoff and I had her come over to "look at our computer". That computer happened to be in the junk room aka Miss K's room. We just needed a reason to get her in there. I'll never forget the moment when Geoff asked her what we should do with the room if we couldn't fix the computer. She thought it was a crazy question. But then she got it. Her back was to us but when she turned around you could see the excitement in her eyes. She was put on this earth to be a Nana.
She's been there every step of the way since. She kept the house clean while I was pregnant. She kept my husband fed when I was too tired to cook. She kept me sane the day I was in labor. After Geoff, she was the only other person I wanted to see once I became Kennedy's Mommy. She loves that little girl and that little girl adores her. In fact, the first three months of her life I think Nana Vicki didn't see her a total of 4 days. Even if it's after work and late, she'll stop by just to get some snuggle time in. She literally can't go a week. I know the next few weeks will be hard for her not being able to hold Kennedy. But I think Kennedy will be good for her. I'm so glad she's here and I'm not still pregnant. It's just one more thing to help Mom get better faster.
Everyone keeps asking me if Mom is ok and I keep saying a firm "yes." Because she is. It may be happening fast but I'm glad. I don't want her to have a chance to be nervous or sad. I don't want her to sit and stare at a calendar for weeks at a time just counting it down. I want it to be over and done with and something we look back on that happened in 2012 instead of something we are dreading at the start of 2013. A new year is a chance to start over and look forward to what the year holds. Thanks to finding this sucker early- we are going to be able to do just that. So instead of starting the year off with a surgery, Mom will be celebrating a successful one in the happiest place on earth- DISNEY. She's taking Blair in January. I'm still trying to find a suitcase big enough to sneak Kennedy and myself.
Nana Vicki will be just fine thanks to a mammogram. So here's my tiny soap box moment. Get one. If you are of age get one. If you have a mom or aunt or grandma or sister or friend- tell them to get one. I hear they're scary, I hear they kind of suck. You know what sucks more? Cancer. They save lives. It's the reason Kennedy will have a Nana Vicki. And I know when she's older she will appreciate it. I know I do.
I'll make sure to check back in tomorrow to let you know how everything went. We're lucky because Kennedy has an angel up in Heaven watching over her Grandmas and Grandpa- we know her Grandpa Gary will be with us tomorrow!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Our very first Christmas Card
We finally did it- we finally made a Christmas card. Now- the real challenge will be if I actually label and mail these puppies... Enjoy a sneak peek!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Santa? No thanks.
Every mom has their dreams. What their child will be when they grow up, what sport they'll play in high school, what their prom dress will look like (is that just me?) and so on. One dream I've been waiting for since last Christmas was Kennedy's first meeting with the big guy himself- Mr. Santa Claus. I imagined what she'd wear (an adorable red dress with a sweet bow because she'd have SO much hair, little white tights and black shiny shoes). I imagined how she'd react to him once she saw him (she'd look up into his face and tug on his beard and just laugh). I imagined the first Santa photo (perfect lighting, perfect pose, perfect Santa, perfect picture). It was beautiful. I couldn't wait. My dream couldn't be any farther from the reality that was the nightmare of meeting old Kris Kringle.
Let's start with Miss K's day. I'd been so excited all day knowing we were going to meet Santa. The day was SO slow. When Geoff brought her home I knew we weren't starting off on the greatest foot. Her report card from "school" said she hadn't napped all day and the last time she ate was 12:30. Really? I pay what I pay for that place and they either A: hadn't feed her in 5 1/2 hours or B: forgot to write down the last time they fed her and since she can't tell me I had to go ahead a feed her before we left. So that was fun. By the time we finished eating Grandma and Grandpa were here so we had to rush getting changed. It was COLD so bye bye dress- we settled for red pants and a cute Christmas tree sweater. No bow because Kennedy doesn't have enough hair yet so we used a headband and we tried shoes but she doesn't have her Momma's love for them and is constantly kicking them off (tear).
She cries the entire way there (yay) something she never does in the car and I just know- this is going to be awful. By the time we pull up she is sound asleep and we have to wake her up. We walk in the store and head to the magical land. I've heard nothing but great things about this Santa so I'm pretty excited. We reach the big guy and there is no line- awesome- so we head on up to him. The second Geoff put her in his arms all hell broke lose- I mean she lost it!
We took a couple photos but girlfriend was game over. At this point a good mom might've picked her up and left but no- I took a few more pictures and laughed. I'll be real honest in saying Santa wasn't a big help. He didn't talk to her or smile or laugh- he just kind of sat there poor old guy. After trying a second time I sadly picked up my screaming child and walked away moping more than she was. Her first time meeting Santa was nothing what I'd imagined. So I did what any mom would do- I picked the worst picture of her possible.
It's not the end of the world I know- it's just the end of me believing I have the perfect child (but really I do). So she wasn't smiling like a perfect angel, oh well. We have a great story to tell her over and over and over. Plus- I have it on good authority that Santa Claus will still be making a grand stop at the Karr residence come Christmas Eve. And I did get one of my dreams right- Grandma happened to catch the only instant where Miss K wasn't crying but tugging on Santa's beard. So there's that.
Let's start with Miss K's day. I'd been so excited all day knowing we were going to meet Santa. The day was SO slow. When Geoff brought her home I knew we weren't starting off on the greatest foot. Her report card from "school" said she hadn't napped all day and the last time she ate was 12:30. Really? I pay what I pay for that place and they either A: hadn't feed her in 5 1/2 hours or B: forgot to write down the last time they fed her and since she can't tell me I had to go ahead a feed her before we left. So that was fun. By the time we finished eating Grandma and Grandpa were here so we had to rush getting changed. It was COLD so bye bye dress- we settled for red pants and a cute Christmas tree sweater. No bow because Kennedy doesn't have enough hair yet so we used a headband and we tried shoes but she doesn't have her Momma's love for them and is constantly kicking them off (tear).
She cries the entire way there (yay) something she never does in the car and I just know- this is going to be awful. By the time we pull up she is sound asleep and we have to wake her up. We walk in the store and head to the magical land. I've heard nothing but great things about this Santa so I'm pretty excited. We reach the big guy and there is no line- awesome- so we head on up to him. The second Geoff put her in his arms all hell broke lose- I mean she lost it!
We took a couple photos but girlfriend was game over. At this point a good mom might've picked her up and left but no- I took a few more pictures and laughed. I'll be real honest in saying Santa wasn't a big help. He didn't talk to her or smile or laugh- he just kind of sat there poor old guy. After trying a second time I sadly picked up my screaming child and walked away moping more than she was. Her first time meeting Santa was nothing what I'd imagined. So I did what any mom would do- I picked the worst picture of her possible.
It's not the end of the world I know- it's just the end of me believing I have the perfect child (but really I do). So she wasn't smiling like a perfect angel, oh well. We have a great story to tell her over and over and over. Plus- I have it on good authority that Santa Claus will still be making a grand stop at the Karr residence come Christmas Eve. And I did get one of my dreams right- Grandma happened to catch the only instant where Miss K wasn't crying but tugging on Santa's beard. So there's that.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Getting Ready for the Holidays
I can't tell you how excited I am for this time of year. The month between Thanksgiving and Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year. And this year I get to introduce it all to my daughter.
Last holiday season I was 6 months pregnant and starting to feel it. Decorating was a chore, finding cute clothes was not happing and I was so tired everyday after work that I think I maybe watched 3 holiday movies total.
This year though- I don't care if I fall asleep in the homemade icing- I'm doing it all.
We are baking Great-Grandma Whitney's sugar cookies and decorating them.
We are putting up the tree and decorating the house AND putting lights up.
We are watching "The Holiday", "Meet Me in St. Louis", "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", "The Night Before Christmas" and so many more!
We are playing Christmas carols everyday.
And this year-
We will suck it up and head to the mall and meet the big guy himself. Santa! I hope Kennedy is as easy going with him as she is with any other stranger.
I'm just so thrilled to introduce her to all the magic of the holidays. She is at such a fun age, hard to believe 7 months have already gone by. I can't wait to see her open her gifts, can't wait to watch her face as she tries mashed potatoes, can't wait to hear her laugh with her second cousins as they make funny faces at her.
I've never felt more whole as I do right now. I have a family of my own and I can't wait to begin some of our own traditions.
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE the holidays???
Happy Holidays to you all!
Last holiday season I was 6 months pregnant and starting to feel it. Decorating was a chore, finding cute clothes was not happing and I was so tired everyday after work that I think I maybe watched 3 holiday movies total.
This year though- I don't care if I fall asleep in the homemade icing- I'm doing it all.
We are baking Great-Grandma Whitney's sugar cookies and decorating them.
We are putting up the tree and decorating the house AND putting lights up.
We are watching "The Holiday", "Meet Me in St. Louis", "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", "The Night Before Christmas" and so many more!
We are playing Christmas carols everyday.
And this year-
We will suck it up and head to the mall and meet the big guy himself. Santa! I hope Kennedy is as easy going with him as she is with any other stranger.
I'm just so thrilled to introduce her to all the magic of the holidays. She is at such a fun age, hard to believe 7 months have already gone by. I can't wait to see her open her gifts, can't wait to watch her face as she tries mashed potatoes, can't wait to hear her laugh with her second cousins as they make funny faces at her.
I've never felt more whole as I do right now. I have a family of my own and I can't wait to begin some of our own traditions.
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE the holidays???
Happy Holidays to you all!
Monday, November 5, 2012
A very pink Halloween
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Daddy and Kennedy picking out her first pumpkin |
Cheese! |
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Family day at the pumpkin patch |
At Mommy's work |
Pretty in pink |
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Our favorite elephant |
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Small room, big ideas
I realized I've never posted pictures of Miss K's room and I was so happy with what we were able to do with such a tiny space.
Trying to decide how to decorate my child's room was about as hard as naming her. I felt like it was going to define her personality even though she wasn't born yet. I wanted something classic yet fun. I didn't want anything pale and "relaxing". I wanted to be able to walk in and say "yep, it's a girl" yet I wasn't a fan of a ton of pink. But I wanted some pink. Super picky I know. That's why I don't suggest you wait until you are 6 months pregnant to start on your first child's nursery.
I finally decided on black and white with a"touch" of pink. But not baby pink- raspberry pink. Try explaining that to your husband. Once we agreed (aka I wore him down) it was time to go.
Let's just start with this- the nursery was our junk room and it was full of a little bit of everything, old high school yearbooks, suit jackets, video games, ALL of my shoes and more. The room is tiny, and kind of a hexagon shape. The previous owners used it as a study- there were at least 40 pictures and things hung on the wall and after they were taken off you could tell they smoked a pipe or something in there because the walls were yellow. There was also a 1970's boxy border around the top and all the baseboards and door were that ugly brown color. The previous owners showed no love to that room. Every other door and baseboards were painted white at some time so yeah- we had some major work to do.
More of our junk- two lamps that we weren't using anywhere, an old football helmet and pompoms, a broken tv and more Harry Potter and Twilight books than I'd like to admit (who am I kidding, I kept all those).
On to the bedding. We got the crib and changing table for a steal- beautiful black wood. I needed something that would pop. My mom has a gift. She is an artist and her brush is a sewing machine. She can make anything and once again I got a Vicki original with my bedding. For a mere $40 we turned this:

into this:
4 different fabrics makes a beautiful bed skirt and reversible bumpers. All you have to do is untie them and turn them around. It makes for many different ways to spice up the crib. Even though she doesn't have the bumpers on yet I absolutely love how they turned out. I love the whimsical patterns and I love that they don't match but more so coexist.
All that was left was a touch of "me" here and there. Since the room is small the crib fit snug in the indented wall, the changing table took up one wall, the windows took up the big wall and the closet was on the other bigger wall we had very limited space for anything else. I took a vertical shelf and simply turned it on its side to make it a long, short shelf that fits perfectly under the window. I bought pink contaniers to add some pop of color on that side of the room.
I wanted something for her to look at while she was in her crib but I didn't want a traditional mobile so I bought these beauties for about $4 each online.
And I wanted some awesome pictures of her to fill up the giant pink wall so I waited until we got our amazing newborn pictures back from the wonderful and hung them a bit off center right above her crib.
Just a few more tiny touches here and there:
And it's funny. Even though she wasn't born and we had no idea- her room does describe Little Miss. She's quirky and fun. She is bright and happy. But she's also classic, she's one of a kind. The room fits her perfectly.
Trying to decide how to decorate my child's room was about as hard as naming her. I felt like it was going to define her personality even though she wasn't born yet. I wanted something classic yet fun. I didn't want anything pale and "relaxing". I wanted to be able to walk in and say "yep, it's a girl" yet I wasn't a fan of a ton of pink. But I wanted some pink. Super picky I know. That's why I don't suggest you wait until you are 6 months pregnant to start on your first child's nursery.
I finally decided on black and white with a"touch" of pink. But not baby pink- raspberry pink. Try explaining that to your husband. Once we agreed (aka I wore him down) it was time to go.
Let's just start with this- the nursery was our junk room and it was full of a little bit of everything, old high school yearbooks, suit jackets, video games, ALL of my shoes and more. The room is tiny, and kind of a hexagon shape. The previous owners used it as a study- there were at least 40 pictures and things hung on the wall and after they were taken off you could tell they smoked a pipe or something in there because the walls were yellow. There was also a 1970's boxy border around the top and all the baseboards and door were that ugly brown color. The previous owners showed no love to that room. Every other door and baseboards were painted white at some time so yeah- we had some major work to do.
Our fancy curtains |
More of our junk- two lamps that we weren't using anywhere, an old football helmet and pompoms, a broken tv and more Harry Potter and Twilight books than I'd like to admit (who am I kidding, I kept all those).
The awesome border. |
So needless to say this room needed some TLC. I take after my mother so I don't do anything easy and quick. We started cleaning the room out around Christmas. That took about a month. At this point it's late January and Kennedy is coming in April and I know"me" and I'm freaking out. We will never get it done I thought. Then one night after working a late event I came home to my husband sleeping on the couch and the light on in that room. I almost cried. My mom, his mom, brother, sister and himself cleaned the last of the junk out, and took off all the crappy border. They even bought some blinds and washed the walls. I don't even want to know how long it took them, but it looked- well- a little better.
Now it was time to paint. Geoff went out of town one weekend and let's be honest- we all know we get more work done when our husbands are gone so my mom and I jumped at the chance to paint. I went to the store with a very set mind. White walls, black trim. The pink accents would be in the bedding, rug and other things.
Wrong again- once we were at the store and I was looking at colors my mind started racing. With the help (ahem) from my mother, I walked out of the store with three colors. This is the picture I sent my husband:
Ok so the room needed some color. The one 3 part wall was just going to look too small so we ended up painting it a deep pink. I was scared to death my husband would hate it but he seemed ok. He was also 3 hours away and knew he would never make it back in time to stop me.
After three days of painting we finally got white walls and a pink backdrop for the crib. It was coming together. It somehow still took us another month and a half to paint all the baseboards black. That took some time and patience, something I didn't really have anymore come March, yes, March. I really know how to prolong things.
into this:
4 different fabrics makes a beautiful bed skirt and reversible bumpers. All you have to do is untie them and turn them around. It makes for many different ways to spice up the crib. Even though she doesn't have the bumpers on yet I absolutely love how they turned out. I love the whimsical patterns and I love that they don't match but more so coexist.
All that was left was a touch of "me" here and there. Since the room is small the crib fit snug in the indented wall, the changing table took up one wall, the windows took up the big wall and the closet was on the other bigger wall we had very limited space for anything else. I took a vertical shelf and simply turned it on its side to make it a long, short shelf that fits perfectly under the window. I bought pink contaniers to add some pop of color on that side of the room.
The little lamp? It's the unused one from before, a little paint and a new shade and boom- brand new. |
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And I wanted some awesome pictures of her to fill up the giant pink wall so I waited until we got our amazing newborn pictures back from the wonderful and hung them a bit off center right above her crib.
Just a few more tiny touches here and there:
A tiny picture of my sleeping beauty |
A bunny made by her Great-Grandma to match her room |
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We took the original knobs off and got these at Hobby Lobby for a buck each |
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A mirror right about her changing table so she can look at herself when we're finished with diaper changes. |
and voila!
A room fit for my little princess.
So it only took 5 months from start to finish, believe my when I say we hung the last shelf 12 hours before my water broke.
I really like the way it turned out. It is a long way from what it was and I think we did the most with the tiny space we had. Do I wish it was bigger? Of course. But we made it work. I should also mention though I don't have a picture, we took the closet door off and my talented mother made a beautiful curtain for it as well. Just one more way to make room (don't have to open and shut it) and add some pop and pizzazz.
And it's funny. Even though she wasn't born and we had no idea- her room does describe Little Miss. She's quirky and fun. She is bright and happy. But she's also classic, she's one of a kind. The room fits her perfectly.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Now THAT's a weekend
First- I want to thank everyone who read, commented and gave out hugs for my Super Mom post. It means a lot to me not only that you read it but that you made sure to let me know I am not the only one struggling with work and home. So- thanks!
This past weekend was exactly what I needed after that draining post. It just happened to be perfect timing. My event Friday got finished early so I was home before midnight- still not enough time to see Miss K but enough time to get a good 8 hours of sleep in.
Saturday was the first weekend since late August that Mizzou didn't play at all and Geoff wanted to play golf so Kennedy and I had a whole day of fun planned.
My Mom picked us up and we spent the day shopping. Kennedy even helped pick out some new food to try (she loved it btw)
This past weekend was exactly what I needed after that draining post. It just happened to be perfect timing. My event Friday got finished early so I was home before midnight- still not enough time to see Miss K but enough time to get a good 8 hours of sleep in.
Saturday was the first weekend since late August that Mizzou didn't play at all and Geoff wanted to play golf so Kennedy and I had a whole day of fun planned.
My Mom picked us up and we spent the day shopping. Kennedy even helped pick out some new food to try (she loved it btw)
After we went to lunch Miss K and I got some perfect snuggle time in with a nap.
There is nothing better than snuggling with your little one- nothing. Geoff was gone most of the day so we got to eat dinner with Nana and Grandpa followed by ice cream. If that doesn't make a perfect Saturday I don't know what does.
Sunday we headed out of town for a family's baptism. It was great to see such a sweet event. We weren't finished yet though. It was absolutely perfect outside and the pumpkin patch was calling our name. I'm not sure Kennedy got a lot out of it but it was a nice family outing none the less. Geoff picked out a perfect sized pumpkin for Kennedy's first Halloween.
After the pumpkin patch it was more golf, softball, dinner and home. Whew- THAT is what I call a weekend.
It was so nice to only have one obligation instead of the 2 or 3 we've had every weekend since August. It's funny, when you're a kid you live for the weekend. When you're an adult it's kind of the same thing but sometimes our weekends are so busy, I just need a break. For the first time in a very long time I was able to do what I wanted, when I wanted to do it. Our little family spent more time together than we had in a very long time. Geoff was able to golf with friends while I took care of some errands. We were able to spend Saturday night together just the two of us. We got to experience the pumpkin patch for the first time, we got to hit some golfballs and enjoy the rare weather. We got to watch Geoff and Grandpa Terry in their last softball game of the season and we got to enjoy some more family time at Shakespeare's. We weren't home more than 6 hours all weekend (not counting sleep). It was perfect.
It's exactly what we all needed with the upcoming weeks ahead. Homecoming this weekend with lots of visitors then Halloween, a trip for us and then boom- the holidays. Where has this year gone? I can't believe it's the end of October, I can't believe my baby is 6 months old, I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner. I just can't believe how fast time seems to speed by. Everyone told me to cherish these moments because they fly by and I heard what they were saying but now I really get it. They weren't kidding when they say it goes by too fast. It seems like yesterday Kennedy didn't want me to put her down. Now, when I try to snuggle her she looks around and wiggles and giggles. It's so freaking awesome but when I get that rare moment where she will let me hold her and sleep- that my friends is heaven.
By the looks of Miss K at dinner Sunday night I'd say she had a successful weekend
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