Friday, March 30, 2012

What's in a name?

What was the one thing you were the most stressed out about during your first pregnancy? Gaining weight? Not sleeping? Money? Those thoughts have crossed my mind a time or 20 but sadly, I'm more concerned with one tiny (huge) detail of my daughter's life- her name.

We haven't 100% decided on a name yet and I think it's starting to drive some of our family and friends crazy. She will be here in the next 27 days- how can we NOT have a name? 

This is serious business people- we can't just go off naming her the first thing that pops into our heads (Apple anyone? Ivy Blue perhaps- or is it Blue Ivy- does ANYONE know?)

Halfway through our pregnancy I read an article that a tenth of parents regret what they named their kid, some parents are even changing their names when they go to school because their original (no pun intended) name was "too popular".

What if that parent is me? What if I wake up in five years and she comes running in for breakfast and I see her and just think "wow- you are so not a (insert whatever name here)".

There are so many factors to look at: names I've loved since I was a child, names my husband loves, family opinions, easy to make fun of names, names around us.

Let's start with names I've loved since I was a child- Alexis. How beautiful is that name? It's origin means Defender. Perfect. Except for that minor detail of our last name. Karr. I'll let you put those together... Boo

Names Geoff loves: well, not a ton here because he really only had boy names picked out...He and his friends ARE however, very good at finding even the most normal name and making fun of it somehow- yea...

Family opinions- if my mother doesn't stop calling her Lola I may scream. I honestly wouldn't put it past her to snag the birth certificate and sign it. Lola, by the way, was a top 10 PET name in 2011.

I've always loved Payton, yes I got it from a certain quarterback WAY back when he played for Tennessee (and yes, I know that's not how he spells it). I thought for sure at least one of my kids would have that name. Welp- two years ago we bought a house- let's just say our beautiful blonde haired little neighbor has a pretty awesome name.

Then there's that little thing called your past- so many names I'd never want to say numerous times in one day- it doesn't help my dad is a teacher so he's got a few names on that "no no" list.

Then there's the middle name. We pretty much have that covered- August, after Geoff's dad, Gary August Karr. But what goes well with August? It's pretty important to us that we keep this.

So besides all that somehow we've narrowed it down to a few names we like:


*I am well aware that a few of those choices are past presidents, I also had Madison on my list when I was younger- what can I say- I love history

*This also doesn't mean it's one of these for sure- I hear once you actually see your baby some or all of your names fly out the window

I promise you we aren't calling her something in the privacy of our own home and keeping it from you. I try different names each day and see if she likes any (for your information she does kick a little harder for some than others).

I know I'm probably overreacting a bit but I can't help it. I want my little girl to love her name, to own it. I want it to be strong and beautiful like I know she will be. She deserves at least that. Plus- I don't want to give her a reason to hate me someday, I'm sure I'll do that some other way more than once.

So I ask you- how hard, long did you search for a name? Do you ever regret it? Would you even tell me if you did???


  1. I'll be honest, we had names for a boy and girl picked out before we even got preggers. Dylan's middle name, on the other hand, my friend picked out cuz we wanted his initials to be DAM but couldn't think of a good A name. So Alexander it became! I love it. Don't worry, her name will come to you, but my vote is for Kennedy August Karr! :)

  2. I've always regretted #2's name (Brady)... it's too popular. We named him after my father-in-law's deceased best friend. I didn't realize how popular the name is. Now everyone calls him "Bomber", which is embarrassing and weird. I never dreamed I'd be more disturbed by his nickname than his actual name. It was important to me for my kids to have unique names. I could tell a lot of people don't like #1's name, and I know it's a boy name (Hayden), and she's a girl, but I've always loved it. #3's name is something I just liked (Brewer). It's unusual, and people probably don't like it. #4's name is a bit common (Hadley), but I still like it. So, I'd say there's a 25% chance you'll regret the name, based on my situation.

  3. Stella was something that just came to us (I wanted something feminine and unique), the middle name Marie is after Michael's grandmother. I love the meaning, i'm big on the meaning of names and family realations... We feel it's perfect and often reward ourselves for how awesome we are... har har! You will choose the right name at the right time, she will own it and love it! Good luck to you and Geoff, can't wait! XO

  4. I love this post! I think its a good thing that you are putting so much thought into her name; it is going to be with her for the rest of her life!

    Now, to answer your question...I spent SO much time thinking and stressing about Miles' name. So much. I actually did exactly what you are doing and tried out different names with him to see what he liked.

    I was so concerned about how people would say and spell his name in a possessive way...for example, is it Miles', or Miles's toy? And how do you say that? I drove myself crazy over it. We finally decided that what the name meant to us would override any spelling and pronunciation concerns. We just went with our gut feeling and named him Miles.

    So, to be honest, for the first week or so of his life I was beating myself up over naming him that. I just didn't think it was "right." And then all of a sudden, it WAS right. The more his personality developed, the more his name fit. Now, I really cannot imagine him being named anything else. I LOVE his name.

    Just go with your gut. It will be right and fit her perfectly.

    Ps, I can't wait to meet her!

  5. Kennedy August Karr just sounds so perfect - how could ther be any other choice??? But you will know her name just as soon as you see her. Hugs from the YaYa

  6. I love this post too! It most definitely is one of the most stressful parts of mommy hood! By the way - your blog is such a great idea. She will love this!!

    With our girls, one came easily the other not so much! Our first, Harper, was a compromise on Jon's favorite book (He really wanted Scout). Our second, Elliette, came from one of our all time favorite TV show's "Scrubs". We had such issues naming Harper we literally simultaneously said aloud "What about Elliot?" It was sealed. We changed up the spelling to make it slightly more feminine. So far - no regrets!

    I think you and Geoff will choose the perfect name - go with your mommy "instincts".

    Thanks for including us in your journey!
